Coming from someone who lives within 40 minutes from Washington D.C., these statistics continue to scare me and I feel like I should hold myself somewhat responsible for researching updated HIV statistics to keep other people in the know.
On August 3, 2011, the CDC announced it's statistics from 2006-2009 relating to HIV and AIDS in Washington D.C. From 2006 to 2009 there was a 48% increase in the number of people who have been diagnosed as HIV positive. 48 PERCENT!!! The CDC said this increase was mainly due to the increase in number of young black men who have sex with other black men and break this increase down to a 12.2% increase of infection PER YEAR! This is scary and shocking! Either people do not care, are being dishonest, or have no idea they are carrying this deadly virus.
I found this quote on the AIDS United website (I attached a link at the bottom of this post for people who want more information) and I cannot agree with it more! "More funding and targeted focuz must be placed on HIV precention as it relates to populations that are disproportionately affected. Disparities in health outcomes must be reduced" (AIDS United online). PEOPLE NEED TO START AND CONTINUE TO BE CHECKED FOR HIV AND AIDS! It is spreading way too rapidly and even though you may be checked once and the test say negative, there is a 6 week window period in which the text can say negative when, in fact, a person is positive.
Please pass this information on to any and everyone that you know and care about! These statistics are too scary and too serious to let them slide and not keep people in the know! By informing those around you (especially if you live in or around the DC area) we can protect those that visit and subside within our nation's beautiful capital!!
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